We pay attention in the timely, economic and reliable technical support of all the printing systems that we offer.


Having always in mind that the good can become better and our efforts for additional improvement of our services that we offer to our customers are continuous.



Our philosophy is focusing on the technical support in a way that the right performance, the unimpeded operation and its lifespan is being guaranteed and extended.




Our company’s fully organized Technical Department:

consists of specialized, experienced and well trained technicians 

It’s a facility of 500 sq.

Is being equipped with the most modern means, offering reassurance for the immediate service of our customer’s needs


Considering always our customer’s satisfaction we have installed a modern application named “Field Service Management” through which all the information and data of your printing systems are being recorded.

The date of installation, previous repairs and maintenances, complete history of error codes and dates, printer counters, statistics, ways of resolving any problems are available on our technician’s tablets, laptops and smartphones.

The dual online communication with the administrator of the technical department reassures that each of our technicians has always all the required information in order to repair your printing system on time, reliably and with responsibility.

Στις τιμές δεν συμπεριλαμβάνεται ο Φ.Π.Α. 24%
Οι φωτογραφίες των μηχανημάτων είναι ενδεικτικές. Ο εξοπλισμός του κάθε μηχανήματος προκύπτει κατόπιν συμφωνίας με την εταιρεία.